Главная страница / Фотография / Аэрофотоснимки различных мест по всему миру от Якоба Вагнера

Аэрофотоснимки различных мест по всему миру от Якоба Вагнера

435 Просмотры

Предлагаем вашему вниманию панорамные пейзажи немецкого фотографа, Якоба Вагнера (Jakob Wagner) .


“Я сделал все эти кадры за последние 5 лет в Европе, Ближнем Востоке, Азии и Северной Америке. Несколько снимков сделаны с вертолетов и несколько с воздушного шара. Наиболее важным аспектом этой серии является соответствие нужного места и нужного время. Свет и погода являются главными действующими лицами в этих пейзажах..”

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 01

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 02

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 03

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 04

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 05

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 06

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 07

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 08

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 09

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 10

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 11

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 12

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 13

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 14

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 15

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 16

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 17

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 18

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 19

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 20

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 21

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 22

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 23

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 24

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 25

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 26

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 27

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 28

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 29

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 30

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 31

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 32

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 33

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 34

Aerial photos of various places around the world, from Jacob Wagner 35

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