Главная страница / Изобразительное / Трехмерный стрит-арт из разных уголков планеты, реальность которых поражает

Трехмерный стрит-арт из разных уголков планеты, реальность которых поражает

Художники стрит-арта лишены возможности показать свои работы в престижных галереях, но зато у них есть полная, абсолютная свобода творчества. Весь мир для них – один гигантский холст.

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 01

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 02

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 03

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 04

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 05

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 06

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 07

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 08

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 09

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 10

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 11

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 12

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 13

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 14

Three-dimensional street art from around the world, the reality of which affects 15


Также смотрите «Калейдоскоп Стрит-Арт портреты от Эдуардо Кобра» и «Поразительные Стрит-Арт произведения от MrDheo».

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