Главная страница / Архитектура / Красота русского севера в фотографиях Эдуарда Гордеева

Красота русского севера в фотографиях Эдуарда Гордеева

706 Просмотры

Этого талантливого фотографа из Санкт-Петербурга мы вам уже представляли в серии работ «Фотографии дождливой

погоды, которые выглядят как картины маслом», сегодня хотим продолжить знакомить вас с творчеством Эдуарда

Гордеева. Все работы Эдуарда наполнены красотой окружающего нас мира, и дарят нам возможность взглянуть на эту

красоту глазами талантливого человека.

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 22

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 01

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 02

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 03

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 04

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 05

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 06

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 07

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 08

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 09

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 10

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 11

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 12

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 13

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 14

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 15

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 16

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 17

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 18

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 19

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 20

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 21

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 23

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 24

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 25

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 26

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 27

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 28

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 29

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 30

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 31

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 32

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 33

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 34

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 35

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 36

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 37

The beauty of the Russian North in photographs of Eduard Gordeev 38


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