Главная страница / Дети / Близняшки в чудесной фотосессии, которую создала мама

Близняшки в чудесной фотосессии, которую создала мама

462 Просмотры

Свою страсть к чему-то или кому-то мы всегда стремимся обернуть в красивую историю-«бумажку» и рассказать о своей любви

всему миру — чем креативнее, тем лучше. Эмбер Йонг – молодая мама, чья страсть — ее собственные дети: близняшки Лея и Лорен.

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 01

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 02

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 03

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 04

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 05

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 06

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 07

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 08

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 09

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 10

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 11

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 12

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 13

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 14

The twins in the wonderful photo shoot, which was created by the mother 15

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