Главная страница / Австралия / Бирюзовая вода и абстрактные узоры Австралии с высоты птичьего полета

Бирюзовая вода и абстрактные узоры Австралии с высоты птичьего полета

625 Просмотры

Аэрофотография дуэта фотографов Salty Wings приглашает отправиться в путешествие. Фотографы решили почтить безмерную красоту природы Австралии, поделившись с высоты птичьего полета снимками бирюзовых вод, волн и абстрактных узоров, образованных пеной и песком.

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 01

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 02

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 03

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 04

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 05

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 06

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 07

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 08

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 09

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 10

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 11

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 12

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 13

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 14

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 15

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 16

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 17

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 18

Turquoise water and abstract patterns of Australia from the height of bird flight 19


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