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Белоснежная сказка: зимняя Беларусь в объективе Угальникова

474 Просмотры

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 01

Фотограф Алексей Угальников из Минска каждый день просыпается рано утром, чтобы запечатлеть всю красоту зимы.


Виды полей и рек, покрытых снегом и льдом, облаков белого тумана и восходящего солнца передают незабываемую атмосферу

морозных дней в его родной Беларуси.

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 02

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 03

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 04

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 05

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 06

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 07

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 08

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 09

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 10

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 11

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 12

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 13

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 14

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 15

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 16

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 17

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 18

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 19

Snow white's tale the winter of Belarus in the lens Ugolnikova 20

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