Главная страница / Дети / Отцовская любовь: Лучшие фотографии отцов с маленькими детьми

Отцовская любовь: Лучшие фотографии отцов с маленькими детьми

717 Просмотры

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 01

Стали известны победитель и финалисты международного фотоконкурса «Отец и ребенок» (“FATHER AND CHILD”), проводимого сайтом childphotocompetition.com.


Всего в конкурсе приняли участие около тысячи снимков, сделанных фотографами со всего мира. А главный приз завоевала сюрреалистическая фотография, напоминающая сцену из «Буратино», на которой показан мальчик в мастерской отца.

Karen Alsop, Australia

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 02


Наслаждайтесь этой уникальной галереей, демонстрирующей истинную отцовскую любовь к своим детям.


Agnieszka Lawniczek, UK

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 03


Melissa Avey, Canada

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 04


Suzanne Taylor, Canada

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 05


Agata Pawelec, Poland

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 06


Brigitta Fursca, Hungary

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 07


Marta Sokolowska, UK

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 08


Helga Himer Firla, Canada

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 09


Lisa Holloway, USA

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 10


Oscar Barrera Tevar, Spain

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 11


Anna Kasprowiak-Misiag, Poland

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 12


Csilla Hinrichs, Germany

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 13


Denise Saba, Australia

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 14


April Kraus, USA

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 15


Aneta Wojcik, Poland

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 16


Antonella Ricciotti, Italy

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 17


Ewa Wojczakowska-Skrobisz, Poland

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 18


Dorota Skoczylas, Poland

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 19


Magdalena Pachut, Poland

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 20


Stephanie Piscitelli, USA

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 21


Monika Zandecka, Norway

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 22


Stephanie Mason, Canada

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 23


Marzena Krawczyk, Poland

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 24


Meagan Dwyer, USA

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 25


Milena Krammer, Austria

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 26


Sonya Adcock, USA

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 27


Monika Colichio, USA

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 28


Missy Mayo, USA

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 29


Nicole Anderson, Australia

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 30


Rasa Razaniene, Lithuania

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 31


Simona Tiske, Lithuania

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 32


Vicki Winston, UK

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 33


Angelina Bulakhova, Russia

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 34


Jody D’Angelo, Canada

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 35


Lisa Howeler, USA

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 36


Marta Schmidt, Spain

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 37


Charo Diez, Spain

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 38


Sofia Carti, Turkey

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 39


Sanda Stankovic, Australia

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 40


Rachael Lunch, UK

Fatherly love. the Best photos of fathers with young children 41

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